April 30, 2020

Question Time with the PGM: New series of video interviews launched

Today we launch a new series of candid interviews with Lincolnshire’s Provincial Grand Master Dave Wheeler. In a series of nine face-to-face meetings Christopher Watkin explored […]
April 30, 2020

Congratulations from our ProvGM, Dave Wheeler

Many congratulations to those who received Grand Rank appointments or promotions over the period of the annual investiture that should have taken place on the 29th […]
April 28, 2020

Imp Trail: Now you’re invited to submit your own design

Could you create a design for an Imp to feature on one of the unique figures on the forthcoming Imp Trail in Lincoln? That’s the chance […]
April 27, 2020

Scrubs Appeal for Lincolnshire NHS

You are all aware of the NHS appeal for scrubs.  The Lodge of Established Order  together with the other orders that meet at Barton Upon Humber […]
April 27, 2020

Our suspension doesn’t have to mean ‘no Freemasonry’

by David Bird, Deputy Grand Superintendent of the Royal Arch in Lincolnshire Never before have we seen anything like this four-month suspension of our Masonic activity […]
April 25, 2020

Life under lockdown: An update from the Provincial Grand Master

by Dave Wheeler, Provincial Grand Master/Grand Superintendent Masonic life is very different under lockdown and the suspension of our activities. It’s forcing us to look at […]
April 24, 2020

Chris wins latest Gerald Sclater cartoon competition

Chris Rimington of Scunthorpe’s Pharos Lodge is the winner of the latest Gerald Sclater cartoon caption competition with his suggestion, which is in the cartoon above. […]
April 24, 2020

Gerald Sclater cartoon competition: Week 5

Welcome to Week 5 of our Gerald Sclater cartoon competition. Another of his cartoon artworks must be won in the latest round of our caption competition. […]
April 23, 2020

A message from the Grand Chaplain

My Brethren, when asked what makes Freemasonry so important to me, I respond: it is a fellowship that brings out the best in people regardless of […]
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