November 4, 2021

Gordon Walkerley Smith receives 50-year certificate in Knights Templar

Lincolnshire’s KT Provincial Prior Malcolm Bilton has presented a certificate to R.E.Kt. Gordon Walkerley Smith GCT at a meeting of Sutcliffe Preceptory No.190, marking his 50 […]
November 4, 2021

MCF reviews 18 months of support and services

Over the past 18 months, the Freemasons’ charity the Masonic Charitable Foundation has been updating its support and services in response to the changing needs and […]
November 2, 2021

Join the Freemasons for a summer’s day out – with a Battle of Britain Memorial Flight flypast

November 2, 2021

Trustees pledge £50,000 gift to boost Festival total

To mark the landmark of the 500th Lincolnshire Freemason having signed up to a regular giving pledge in support of the #Lincs2025 Festival, the Trustees of […]
November 2, 2021

Crowle brethren recall passing of four members with a Lodge of Sorrow

Crowle’s Vermuyden Lodge worked a ‘Lodge of Sorrow’ at its November meeting, recalling brethren who passed to the Grand Lodge above during the pandemic. It was […]
October 30, 2021

Certificate recognises Nick’s ritual achievement

Nick Brown of Paulinus Lodge in Lincoln has been presented with a certificate to recognise that he has delivered every piece of ritual in all three […]
October 30, 2021

Grand Lodge refreshes advice as Covid case numbers rise again

Covid is on the rise again. However it is clear that in the vast majority of people, serious illness is avoided in those who are double […]
October 28, 2021

Sense of normality returns as we gather for Provincial meetings again

The numbers were lower than expected, but spirits were high as Brethren and Companions gathered for Provincial meetings yesterday. Remembering that the pandemic is not yet […]
October 28, 2021

Provincial meetings: Addresses given by Dave Wheeler, PGM and MEGS

Chapter: Companions. It is really good to be with you all today and to meet together after, what has been, a particularly difficult 18 months for […]
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