September 23, 2021

Free Wheelers Lodge gets on the road at last after drawn-out consecration delay

Sixteen months after it should have happened and two years after its warrant was signed, Lincolnshire has at last consecrated its newest Lodge: Free Wheelers 9991. […]
September 16, 2021

Exclusive opportunity to learn about the life of the Pro Grand Master

Register for our revealing interview with the Pro Grand Master Most Worshipful Brother Peter Lowndes. We’ll discover what the role involves, his journey within Freemasonry, his […]
September 14, 2021

More than 100 people tour Grantham Freemasons’ HQ during town’s Heritage Open Days

Grantham Freemasons said: “We’re open” and welcomed more than 100 people to tour their Faraday House HQ in the town’s Chambers Street during the local Heritage […]
September 9, 2021

Sharing knowledge of the Royal Arch – The significance of the 72 elders

Fred and Charlie are mere fictional creatures drawn from within my fevered brow, writes their creator Michael Lee, an experienced Freemason from Wiltshire.  Their relationship, if […]
September 9, 2021

Hermes is coming – and promises to free secretaries from shuffling piles of paperwork

Hermes is coming! That was the encouraging message taken away by Lincolnshire’s Lodge  Secretaries at their biennial conference. Hermes is a web-based application interfacing between individual […]
September 6, 2021

Spreading a little comfort: Freemasons’ Teddies for Loving Care scheme gives three millionth bear to a sick child

The three millionth teddy to be given to poorly children across England and Wales has been presented, with Lincolnshire Freemasons playing a big part. The special […]
September 2, 2021

Backed by Freemasons’ support, Scunthorpe Paralympic archer wins bronze in Tokyo

Two bullseyes in her final competition of the Tokyo Paralympics have earned Scunthorpe’s Victoria Rumary a bronze medal for her archery skills – a result which […]
August 26, 2021

More than a million people get mental health support thanks to the Freemasons

To help more than 1.4 million people experiencing mental health issues, Freemasons are donating more than £550,000 to help citizens across the UK. Many people are […]
August 24, 2021

Cheers! Add sparkle to your Christmas with a Champagne prize in our latest raffle

A cornucopia of luxurious sumptuosity awaits you in our Christmas raffle being run to raise money for the #Lincs2025 Festival. It’s been introduced to make life […]
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