The timeless nature of Freemasonry shone through at the latest meeting of Spilsby’s Shakespeare Lodge. Representing the past was Lodge organist Bill Isherwood, who was given […]
Brethren, imagine for a moment, for just one moment, write Freemasons from Spilsby, we were informed that we have to return our Lodge warrant; that numbers […]
St Matthew Lodge in Barton has celebrated its 150th anniversary meeting with a capacity gathering in to town’s Masonic Centre. Bro N Lund gave a very […]
The new initiative of presenting Freemasonry ‘starter kits’ is continuing at pace in the Earl of Yarborough Lodge in Grimsby where four kits have been presented […]
Brother Jeffrey George Melia received his 50-year certificate from PGM Dave Wheeler at St. Matthew lodge No.1447, which was celebrating its 150th anniversary meeting. Jeff was […]
Lincolnshire Freemasons have helped to provide the York care home with a new minibus. Barrie Graham, Neill Smith, and Chairman Chris Turner of the of the […]
Retirement for chums John Leary and Paul Champion caused them to lose touch with each other – but Lincolnshire Freemasonry’s New Masons Morning has brought them […]
Collars and gauntlets worn by the Worshipful Master and his Wardens in Boston’s Lodge of Harmony No.272 have been replaced with new ones, replacing others which […]