Charity has undergone a remarkable evolution within the community of Freemasons. As he approaches retirement from the post of Provincial Grand Charity Steward, Pete Tong reflects […]
If challenged, could you list the five key points of the Pro Grand Master’s seven-year strategy for Freemasonry, 2022 and beyond? The words are simple enough […]
Louis David Cox has been initiated into Lord Heneage Lodge, having come to Freemasonry through the National Digital Marketing Canpaign. In the picture are, from left, […]
Visitors from Dublin, Lincolnshire, and merry men from Nottingham were at William Peters Lodge in Grantham for the initiation of Mike Childs, which was followed by […]
Freemasons from Hamilton Lodge in Alford have given £1,200 to the Lincs & Notts Air Ambulance, which was handed over by the Master Peter Rafferty. The […]
At the latest investiture meeting arc Freemasons Hall Lincolnshire scrutineers Jason Fitzgerald, left, and Stuart Butler met Sir Michael Snyder, the new Deputy Grand Master, whilst […]
Lindum Lodge Master Richard Jones, members of Lindum Lodge and partners have attended the presentation by Linda Myles when she gave a Past Masters’ board to […]