On behalf of the Daylight Lodge Bro. Mike Sutton has presented a cheque for £500 from the New Provincial Benevolent Fund to Marie Curie Nurse Ann Smith and Mrs. Ann Walker, the Community Ambassador for Grimsby, Cleethorpes and District Fundraising Branch for the organisation. The cheque was matched by further £500
from the Freemasons’ Charity the MCF.
The Marie Curie nurses provide dedicated night care from 10 pm to 8am to the patient so the caring family can have some rest knowing that there loved one’s are cared for. This care is for people who have any type of terminal illness, whether it be cancer or any other illness such as motor neurone disease. The nurses also have time to support family members to talk through their anxieties about what they are going through, what to expect and what lies ahead in the future. They give reassurance to help people through this difficult time. This care is FREE to the family and on going whilst needed.
In 2021 during the pandemic the local Marie Currie nurses attended to 78 patients giving over 6,000 hours’ care, at a cost to the Marie Curie Charity of about £20 per hour.