The ongoing lockdown has affected the physical and mental health and well-being of many brothers, with many sadly experiencing a loss in fitness and unwelcome weight […]
Members of Lodges from Boston and Horncastle have provided assistance to the NHS in helping to set up a Covid 19 mass vaccination centre. Volunteers Alan […]
LOCAL HOPE a charity in Freiston near Boston, received a cheque for £500 from the Freemasons’ New Provincial Benevolent Fund which was put forward by the […]
The members of Wellow Abbey Lodge in Grimsby nominated their local Woman’s Aid organisation to receive a cheque from the New Provincial Benevolent Fund.
The Astral Lodge No 3841 nominated the West Grimsby (3rd and 8th) Scout Group as the recipients of the £500 grant from The New Provincial Benevolent […]
Hamilton Lodge in Alford recently presented a cheque for £500 on behalf of the New Provincial Benevolent Fund to Hope House, a local independent Church with […]