Almost thirty Freemasons and partners came to the Scunthorpe masonic centre for the first of a new series of coffee mornings aimed at bringing friends together outside Lodge meetings – making the initiative a success, according to the man behind it.
He’s Rob Lang, Almoner at St Lawrence Lodge in Scunthorpe, who wanted to provide a means for people to get together, especially those who, for whatever reason, didn’t feel able to attend lodge meetings in the evenings.
“We were a little bit nervous about how many people might turn up,” he said. “We wanted it to be as informal as possible, so there was no need to book in – but in the end we needn’t have worried; Almost 30 people came, which I was very pleased with for the launch event. I’m sure when word gets around more people will come to future events.”
Rob explained that invitations had been sent to all Lodges in Scunthorpe Brigg, Barton, Crowle, and Gainsborough. “There’s plenty of room for everyone who’d like to join us,” he said. “The invitation isn’t just to Freemasons, but they’re all welcome to bring wives, partners, and anyone else who might want to come with them. Friendship is an important part of Freemasonry, and I hope our coffee mornings can be a platform for that to flourish.
“It’s also an opportunity for Lodge Almoners to talk to members and perhaps discover issues they might not otherwise be aware of, and for members to bring along others who might be thinking of becoming Freemasons,” he added.
The coffee mornings take place between 10am and noon on the first and third Tuesdays of the month at the Scunthorpe Masonic Centre on Normanby Road in the town. There’s no charge for tea, coffee, and cake. All the costs have been completely covered by the Province’s Petitions Committee, whose members can see the significant welfare benefit for those attending.
“We’re very grateful to them for getting behind what we’re trying to do. The support is invaluable, as is the help of the Scunthorpe Masonic Building Management Board. Its members are also supportive, are managing the finances for us, and liaising with the caterers. It really is a team effort, and it was wonderful to see the number of people who turned up. I’d like to thank them all for the enthusiastic way they’ve got involved, and look forward to seeing even more at the next events on December 5th and 19th. The meeting on the 19th will be Christmas themed – it promises to be a cracker!