Crowle Freemason Paul Fox has started his second year as Master of Vermuyden Lodge with a pledge to urge all of its members to be tested for prostate cancer.
On the night of his formal installation as Master at the Lodge rooms in Crowle’s Park View, Paul told an audience of about 50 that Prostate Cancer was the most common cancer in men, with more than 52,000 diagnosed with it every year – and someone dying from it every 45 minutes.
He said it was an alarming statistic, and one that individuals could do something about for themselves – it was just a matter of getting tested, and acting on the results, he said. Testing is via a simple blood sample called a PSA test, which measures a particular protein in the blood. Too much of the protein could indicate prostate problems, which may not be cancer, but at the same time were worthy of checking out so appropriate action could be taken, nipping potentially life-threatening issues in the bud.
He collected names and email addresses from everyone at the meeting, and pledged that he would do everything in his power to make sure everyone on the list – and those that weren’t able to attend the meeting – would take the test before this time next year.
“It’s a simple test, and it could save your life,” he said. “I can’t see why anyone wouldn’t want to do what they can to prevent them from falling victim to the most common cancer in men.”