Grantham Freemasons’ Curry Club has met for its first face-to-face meeting since the beginning of the pandemic.
Through lockdowns and restrictions club members have met on line in regular virtual meetings organised and orchestrated by Chris Watkin of Doric Lodge, who set up quizzes, tasting of alcoholic beverages and the usual banter.
The face-to-face meeting took place in the Masonic Centre in Grantham and the resident cook had prepared a curry buffet,
which was very well received. The group also included several potential new members who had never met the others in person, just on the screen.
After the meal, the potential new members, who have all expressed a desire to join Lodges in Grantham, had the opportunity to visit the Temple.
This was not just a fun event but also another opportunity for the Grantham Masonic Curry club to acquire funds for charitable causes, which it has done from the very beginning.