Lincolnshire’s golfers have until the end this month to enter a golf day organised by the District Grand Lodge of Cyprus.
It’s the annual Peter Lowndes Open Challenge Cup, this year on May 28th, being played at the Aphrodite Hills Golf Club, which is open to Freemasons and non-Freemasons alike.
The cost for golfers will be €75.00 including Lunch and Buggy whereas the awards Lunch which will follow at approximately 14:00 will cost, for non-players. €45.00, including wine every 2 persons or soft drink or beer.
The number of Tee Times is limited, and participants will be accommodated on a first come first served basis.
The net proceeds of the event will be donated to the Association for the Prevention and Handling of Violence in the Family (“ SPAVO”). This National centre operates under the Cyprus Social Services Department and provides shelter and protection to victims of domestic violence, as well as other related services, e.g. providing information and support to battered women through counselling. Further details are on their website
Competition organiser W.Bro. Marios Pantelides said: “We are looking forward to being your hosts in our beautiful Island of Cyprus where you can enjoy a game of golf on the best course in Cyprus.”
The entry form is below: