John was initiated into the Newark Lodge No. 8332 in Nottinghamshire on 17th January 1974, and was its Master in 1984, and then Secretary for a number of years.
He then joined Witham Lodge in Lincoln before joining Ermine Lodge in 2010, and was exalted in to the Chapter of Concord in Lincoln in 1980, joining Ermine Chapter in 2012, where he was Scribe E for a number of years.
John has been a member of Knights Templar in Temple Bruer Preceptory for many years, and was also for several years Registrar of Chapter House Preceptory. He holds the rank of Past Great Warden of Regalia in Knights Templar, and has also been a long-standing member of Sancta Maria Chapter Rose Croix in Lincoln.
Dave said: “John is a most unassuming gentleman who has given great service to Freemasonry in the various degrees of which he has been a member.”