Is all that money your didn’t spend last year on raffle tickets and envelope collections burning a hole in your pocket? Then we have just the thing: the Brand of Brothers online store selling #Lincs2025 Festival merchandise.
Set up by Tony O’Brien and his mates at Lindsey and Lumley Lodges, the shop has a range of merchandise useful to any Freemason, starting with socks at one end and woolly hats at the other. All the items will be posted out to you, and all profits will be given to the Lincolnshire Festival Relief Chest E0151.
Tony is a member of the committee marketing the festival. Its chairman Andy Ham said: “Tony’s done a great job setting up the shop, and the items on offer will be of use to and Freemason. It could provide the perfect answer when someone asks the dreaded question ‘What do you want for your birthday?’ – and it’s Father’s Day in June. Direct people to the shop, and you’ll be killing two birds with one stone.”
Some of the items in the shop are below. Explore the full range of Festival merchandise on offer at the store here.