Two significant figures in the story of Lincolnshire Freemasonry are brought together by two documents now hanging in the Lodge room anteroom at our Grimsby Masonic Centre.
The figures are Graham Ives, on the left of our picture, and Anderson Bates, commemorated in the bust on the right.
Between them are the exquisitely hand-written Patents given to Graham Ives for his roles as Lincolnshire’s Provincial Grand Master and Grand Superintendent.
Graham writes: “Anderson Bates was a founding partner of my former legal firm, Bates and Mountain, in 1896.
“He was a prominent and senior local Freemason; an authority on Grimsby history generally and Grimsby Freemasonry in particular. He wrote on these subjects comprehensively.
“His bust reminds us of The Anderson Bates Benevolent Fund, a local Masonic charity and very active now.”
Current PGM Dave Wheeler said: “These documents are handwritten in beautiful copperplate script. If you have the chance, have a good look at them next time you are attending a meeting at Grimsby.”