A charity formed about 100 years ago to help Freemasons and their families in Grimsby has been revitalised to offer help to non-Freemasons too.
The Anderson Bates Fund will share about £1,500 between two worthy causes each year, with all members of the town’s eight Freemasons’ Lodges having the opportunity to nominate good causes of their choice.
The first to benefit from a £600 donation has been ‘Tilly’s’ the Upper GI Support Group, named after consultant surgeon Mike Tilston, who launched it in 2015. It’s a Health Tree Foundation charity, but the funds will be ring fenced for use by the group.
This group helps patients and their families who have been affected by cancer enabling them to talk to people who have gone through or are going through similar experiences. It was instrumental in helping Pelham Pillar Lodge Charity Steward Ivan Copley come to terms with his diagnosis and treatment for liver cancer, and continues to provide valuable support throughout his treatment.
Pelham Pillar Lodge Almoner Neil Hardy said: “Funds are required to support room hire and basic facilities, but it relies on raffle donations to continue. They would like to provide events and guest speakers to assist wellbeing without resorting to charging people who may well be going through financial difficulties at this stressful time.
Lodges involved in the fund, and whose Almoners make up the Anderson Bates Fund committee, are::
- Pelham Pillar
- St Albans
- St James
- Smyth
- Earl of Yarborough
- Astral
- Lord Heneage
- Wellow Abbey