The man they call the ‘Icon of Boston’ retires from his role as Lincolnshire’s Provincial DC in Chapter in May. But although he’s stepping down from the role, Tony Greswell says he’s not going away. “l shall still be around and able to interfere,” he said.
Tony was first called ‘something of an icon of Boston’ by John Board when he was Assistant Provincial Grand Master. Said Tony: “He said it at a Festive Board and it stuck. It gave people a good laugh at my expense – I don’t mind that; what we do is supposed to be fun – but it wasn’t long before Graham Ives started calling me it, and blow me if Dave Wheeler doesn’t call me it now as well.”
Tony became the Province’s Chapter DC nine years ago, having been Deputy DC twice in Chapter and once in the Craft, as well as being Provincial Junior Grand Warden. He has also achieved Grand Rank in three orders: PAGDC in Craft, PGStdB in Chapter, and PGSD in Mark. “I’ve had a fantastic time,” he said. “I have served under two Superintendents, and they’ve both been super, in spite of having their own ideas about how things should be done.
“Things must be right, and I tend to get a bit of a mood on if I can’t get my own way. Mostly I got my way, and they’ve let me tell them what to do. It was all about making them look good, you see,” he said. “I’ve had a fantastic time.”
Tony will celebrate his 80th birthday later this year, and acknowledges that he no longer sees so well at night. “My daughters think I should be slowing down a bit and making way for a younger man, and they’re probably right,” he said. That younger man is Phil Anyan, a member of All Saints Chapter in Gainsborough, who will take on the role at the Provincial Grand Chapter meeting in May this year. “I’m sure Phil will be perfect for the job,” said Tony. “I shall give him plenty of instructions…”