The Installation meeting of Alexandra Lodge 985 on Wednesday 5th October was a special one for not only did John Grimwood take the chair to install his son-in-law Andrew in an excellent ceremony, but the PGM was able to present a long service certificate to one of the members
Dave Wheeler presented the 50-year certificate to Gerald Simmons, who was initiated in to Charles Dickens Lodge in Essex in 1972. He joined Alexandra Lodge in 1995, was its Master in 2002 and gave the address to the Wardens at the Installation meeting.
Two Grand Lodge certificates were also presented by the PGM, to Brothers Jeremy Hargrave and Alf Parkinson.
There followed a super festive board with 60 dining to conclude an excellent evening.
In the main picture John Grimwood congratulates his son in law Andrew with the PGM Dave Wheeler, DPGM John Crutchley, and Provincial DC Noel Fisher.
In the pictures within the post the PGM and W. Brother Gerald Simmons, and recipients of the Grand Lodge certificates, Brothers Hargrave and Parkinson.. with the newly-installed Master, PGM, DPGM and Prov DC.