Lincolnshire’s Provincial Pathway Officers’ team has visited Witham Lodge at the Lincoln Masonic Centre in support of seven members focussed on the long-term future and development of their Lodge.
They were all enthusiastic to hear a presentation and overview of the Revised Members’ Pathway, and afterwards all said they had been extremely impressed and motivated with what the Members’ Pathway concept offered by way of ideas, assistance and resources to assist Lodges to plan, attract, engage, retain and to retrieve members.
They Pathway Team had been invited by Richard Quirk, the Lodge Membership Officer, making this the latest in a series of Province-wide presentations. Said Mike Clay, Provincial Grand Membership Officer: “The PPO team has been presenting the benefits of Members’ Pathway at regional seminars around the Province. We started at Louth in November last year, and then went to Lincoln, Bourne, Louth, and Cleethorpes. During May we shall be at Scunthorpe on the 7th and Sleaford on the 28th with the possibility of Horncastle at a date to be confirmed.
“In addition to the regional seminars, members of the PPO team have by invitation visited individual Lodges to present an overview of the Members’ Pathway and how it can benefit and assist them in their successful future.”
If you would like any help or assistance from the PPO team, or to organise one of their presentations, email Mike Clay at