Collars and gauntlets worn by the Worshipful Master and his Wardens in Boston’s Lodge of Harmony No.272 have been replaced with new ones, replacing others which had been in use for up to 39 years had been fully engraved with no further spaces available.
They were bought with donations made from five Lodge members, and worn for the first time at the Lodge’s regular meeting, attended by Jez Hyland, Assistant Provincial Grand Master of Lincolnshire, together with the Provincial and Assistant Grand Masters from the Province of Hertfordshire.
Photograph shows from left to right:
W.Bro Olly Wells PGSD APGM Hertfordshire, Jez Hyland, Geoff Bell, Senior Warden, Tom Kemp, Worshipful Master, Keith James, Junior Warden, Neil Clarke Connolly, Provincial Grand Master Hertfordshire, and Liaison Officer Barry Harriman.