Charity donations from a London Lodge have ‘come home’ in memory of a former Bengal Lancer whose recruitment efforts have populated it with members from Lincolnshire.
He was Scunthorpe man Bill Hughes; his lodge Yeatman Biggs, which meets at Metropolitan Grand Lodge. Last year its Master was Geoff Garrard-Hughes from Barton, whose chosen charity was the RNLI. He said: “We meet only four times a year, and we have a membership of about 20, but we managed to raise £500.
“Bill did sterling work in recruiting members, and as a result half our members are from Lincolnshire, and that’s why I thought it fitting to choose a Lincolnshire RNLI station to present my cheque.”
The beneficiary was Cleethorpes Lifeboat station, and the money will be used to help to build the resort a new station on the beach, where two inshore rescue boats will be housed.
There’s also a Masonic connection with the lifeboat station; crew member Steve Austin is a member of The Lodge of Old Clee – and Barton member Geoff is not only a member of the Lodge of Established Order but also Second Principal of St Matthew Chapter, and a member of St Matthew Mark Lodge.
The Yeatman Biggs Lodge was founded by the Bengal Lancers in 1897 in Calcutta for Sir Yeatman Biggs, and was brought over to the UK in 1970. Bro Bill Hughes had been a member of the Regiment, and passed away last Christmas.