A year after the death of Mel Barrowcliffe his legacy is a thriving regalia recycling enterprise sustained by Mark Driffill, Ivor Hallam and their wives.
Under the banner of ‘Lincolnshire Pre-Loved Regalia’, they recycle redundant regalia and give it a new life elsewhere, raising money for the whole of Lincolnshire Freemasonry in the process.
Taking nothing for themselves, to date they have donated £5,700, in sums as small as £50 and as large as £250. Every order in Lincolnshire gets a share in the money on a strict rotational basis, so that no-one is overlooked.
Said Mark: “We are given regalia from all sorts of sources, and sell it on to brethren needing it. Everything we’re given is logged, cleaned, and repaired where necessary before being offered to a new owner.”
It’s not only Lincolnshire that benefits from the company; Mark and Ivor have been able to return valuable PM jewels to Lodges in other Provinces, and have inspired brethren in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight to take up the idea.
Says Mark: “We’ve met some wonderful people doing this work, and it’s very enjoyable. We’ll carry on doing it because it’s helpful, and the money goes to a good cause. For us it’s our charitable contribution Lincolnshire Masonic charities.”
Have you got some old regalia deserving of a new life with another brother? If so, contact Lincolnshire Pre-Loved Regalia:
Mark Driffill: chuckyd69@hotmail.co.uk or 07725 178000
Ivor Hallam: ivor.hallam@btinternet.com or 01522 811106
Collection can be arranged!