Mrs Tracey Stephenson of Great Hale was overwhelmed when Andy Fitches of Daedalus Lodge first made contact with her with the news that he had a cheque of £500 for Hedgelina’s Home for Hogs. This amount will enable her to not only buy a large shed but also help toward insulating it too. Andy arranged to meet her at a social distance in the front garden of her home where she currently housing 106 hedgehogs in various stages of health, also telling him that one of the hogs had just given birth to babies.
It gave Andy great pleasure to hand the cheque over to Tracey who was holding one of the hogs she is looking after, Tracy was happy to pose for a photo albeit in a mask. Tracy asked that her grateful thanks to the Masonic Fraternity for their generosity bee passed on as with a shed she will maybe get her bedroom to herself again, although with her dedication there will still be little injured hogs that need a 24 hour surveillance from her.