PGM Dave Wheeler and Provincial Grand Secretary Tony Miller have met representatives from The Order of Women Freemasons in Lincoln.
The meeting was another step in the Provincial priority to promote Lincolnshire Freemasonry internally and with external organisations, and proved to be a very informative meeting with both parties sharing common issues and also some interesting differences.
Dave said: “I really enjoyed meeting the representatives of the OWF. The conversation flowed very easily and there will be future opportunities to learn more about the OWF, which I am looking forward to very much indeed.”
The Order of Women Freemasons has three Craft Lodges meeting in our Province; one each in Grimsby, Scunthorpe, and Lincoln.
Pictured, left to right, are: Dave Wheeler, W Bro Jill Boyington, who looks after the OWF web site, marketing and publicity; V Wor Bro Gina Lapworth, Grand Inspector for Lincolnshire & South Yorkshire; Provincial Grand Secretary Tony Miller; and V Wor Bro Win Tomlinson, Grand Inspector for East & North Yorkshire.