From now on every time you buy something from the online version of The Shop at Freemasons’ Hall you’ll be putting money into our Province – provided that you make it plain when setting up your account that you’re from Lincolnshire.
Every Freemason now has the opportunity to select their Province or District in their customer setup. Doing so means the shop will be able to distribute a proportion of the website profitability back to every Province and District as a financial rebate based on the amount spent online by its members.
PGM Dave Wheeler said: “The finer details of how this will work in practice will be agreed by the Board of General Purposes, but the recording of where income is being generated has already started, and will be used in calculating future allocation of rebates.”
The Shop now has a full range for all Grand Officers and Provincial/District Grand Officers including the unique premium Redman Range.
The shop can be found on line here.
If you’re visiting Freemasons Hall (and everyone should do that at least once), and would like to visit the shop in person, go up the stairs behind the reception desk, and yo’ll find the shop in front of you.