Brethren, imagine for a moment, for just one moment, write Freemasons from Spilsby, we were informed that we have to return our Lodge warrant; that numbers had dwindled and we had failed to attract new members.
Our guess is that with one voice we would say ‘No, not on our watch’, and that we would come together as one, take up the membership challenge and drive forward the UGLE Strategy.
And this has been the thinking behind Spilsby Masonic Centre after we met up at the Indian restaurant for another fun and team building evening.
On this occasion an invitation was sent to Province, and the PGM Dave Wheeler responded promptly, showed his full support, placed his order and offered to share his pilau rice, though midway through the evening it was apparent that sharing would have to wait for another occasion.
These quarterly get togethers are a means to strengthen and consolidate on our friendship, help to facilitate a collaborative approach and learn from each other; and as the old saying goes,‘two heads are better than one’ as some of the best things in life cannot be done alone.
The newly-formed Working Party made up of four brethren from both lodges appeared very enthusiastic and focused on the journey ahead. As WBro C Robinson pointed out: “We have now identified a working party, and will soon come together to share ideas and generate an action plan – though we do agree with Mark Twain that there are no new ideas; only new ways to recycle old ones.”
We will keep you posted on our progress!