Within a couple of weeks St Barnabas Hospice will launch its HeART Trail across Lincolnshire, marking 40 years of caring for members of the county’s community and their families and friends.
Recognising the value to the community of the work done by the Hospice movement, Lincolnshire Freemasons are one of five principal sponsors of the public art event which goes live on June 10th, when our heart will be outside Lincoln’s transport interchange. It will be there until the early autumn, where it can be seen by thousands of travellers during the summer, highlighting the work of the Hospice.
But more than that, it will shine a spotlight on Freemasonry in Lincolnshire showing all 21 centres in which 3,000 Freemasons meet, and raising our profile in the community.
Hearts will be around the city, as well as in every town in Lincolnshire where St Barnabas Hospice has a physical presence, spreading the message of its work to hundreds of thousands of people.
Commissioned artists have now finished their work, and for the first time all of the hearts were brought together for a launch event at the Lincolnshire Showground. Representing the Lincolnshire Freemasons at the event were newly-appointed Assistant Provincial Grand Master Jez Hyland, on one of his first official duties, and Stuart Butler, Assistant Provincial Charity Steward.
They were able to meet the designer and painter of our Heart, Lincoln-based Rosie Ablewhite, who also developed the Imp when the Freemasons were involved with a previous art trail.