Fired up with enthusiasm, John Gascoigne of Rudyard Kipling Lodge in Horncastle can hardly wait to join the Royal Arch – and it’s a Talking Heads presentation delivered by Terry Little and his team that lit the fire for him.
John was at a Rudyard Kipling meeting when the Talking Heads team put on the inspiring show, which he described as ‘fantastic’. He wrote: “I was probably the only person in the room who isn’t already a member of Royal Arch, and to be honest, I didn’t really have much of a clue about what it is. But the way your team delivered it was fantastic – even though you all had scripts, the delivery did not sound or look like it was coming from a script, and it was far more engaging than the majority of talks I’ve been present at, both inside and outside Freemasonry.
“I thought it was fantastic, and achieved what I believe the primary goals were – increasing awareness, and answering a lot of the questions that everyone wants answers to, but nobody wants to ask.
“I particularly liked the way you added humour to it, making references to our lodge specifically, mentioning some of the brethren present, getting Owen involved and having him read a piece from the constitution etc. It made it feel more ‘personal’, rather than just being a generic talk recycled over and over. All the little touches make a difference, and I think you nailed it perfectly.”
At the time he saw the presentation John was a Fellow Craft, but will be a Master Mason and eligible to join his chosen Chapter in the autumn. He wrote to Terry: “I’m now quite excited about joining the Royal Arch and learning more about what goes on there. Please pass on my thanks to your team.”