The Goodwill Lodge of Instruction in Sleaford celebrated the 700th meeting in fine style on Wednesday 20th December. As well as being the annual bangers and mash evening, the Lodge of Instruction was honoured to receive Right Worshipful Brother Graham Ives, Provincial Grand Master for Lincolnshire accompanied by the Provincial Senior and Junior Grand Wardens, W Bros Mike Gerry and Peter Tong, the Provincial Grand Chaplain W Bro Revd John Spriggs, the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies W Bro Noel Fisher, the Provincial Grand Sword Bearer W Bro Chris Turner and the Provincial Grand Mentor W Bro David Buckenham which swelled the number attending to 50.
The Provincial Grand Master accepted the gavel from the Worshipful Master, Bro Bob Chalklin and appointed his Provincial Officers to their respective offices. He proceeded to dedicate a new Volume of the Sacred Law to the memory of W Bro Cyril Peters DFC, Past Junior Grand Deacon who passed to the Grand Lodge above at the end of October last year. W Bro Peters had been a Preceptor at the Lodge of Instruction for 42 years, and was recognised for having eased the passage of many Sleaford Brethren through the offices of their Lodge. The Volume of the Sacred Law which was obtained by Bro John Castle and his wife Lesley, was carried for the dedication by W Bro Peters’ son John who is one of the five Preceptors. The ProvGM returned the gavel to the WM, who then carried out an Initiation Ceremony. The WM then presented the ProvGM with a cheque for £300 towards the New Provincial Benevolent Fund. After the ceremony, the traditional bangers and mash was enjoyed by all present, during which the Sleaford Concert Band played festive music.