If you had to rely on Lodge and Chapter profiles on our Provincial web site to understand which ones operated in the Province of Lincolnshire, you could be forgiven for thinking that we have just half as many Lodges as we really do, and that Royal Arch Freemasonry had yet to reach us.
That’s because just over half of our 75 Lodges have a profile on the web, and of the 33 Chapters, just one is featured.
Provincial Membership Officer Mike Clay has been encouraging Lodges and Chapters write profiles which can be added to the web. He says: “In these days when we’re all doing what we can to attract new members – or at least ought to be – it’s best to be proactive and take whatever steps we can to make that happen.
“One of the ways is to make sure we have profiles for our Lodges. If a potential new member is looking around the internet to find the best Lodge for him, he’s bound to be more attracted to the ones he can discover most about, and that’ll be the ones with published profiles.
“With the launch of the UGLE strategy that we’re all hearing about, and the Membership Challenge that comes with it, surely it’s best to be part of the solution rather than part of the problem? Writing a Lodge or Chapter profile isn’t hard; visit the Masonic Centres page on the web and look at the entries whose names are in bold. They’re the ones which have completed profiles added by webmaster Chris Bradley. They’ll point you in the right direction.
Your profile doesn’t have to be a long and deeply-researched piece of writing; just be friendly and welcoming, with a few basic details and information about how to get in touch. When your Lodge or Chapter profile is complete, send it to Mike as a Word document: mikeclay5219@gmail.com
Which is the one featured Chapter? Discover it for yourself by exploring the Masonic Centres link on our web site home page.