A retirement gift for Trevor Clingan, who has stepped down at the head of the Rose Croix order in Lincolnshire, has been made at his own Candleshoe Chapter, when the main aim of the evening was to celebrate his time as Inspector General, a role he has filled for eight years.
A presentation was made to Trevor at the Festive Board, of a cheque, following donations by the Members of the District. Trevor was very pleased to receive it and
said it would go towards one of the many holidays he has now booked following his retirement.
His successor Adrian Joyce said: “As the new Inspector General, I presented a small token gift of a map of the ‘Wapentakes’ of the District of Lincolnshire, showing the origin of the “Candleshoe” Chapter name. A “Wapentake” is the name of the original Anglo-Saxon shires or districts as shown on the attached map, something which every member of the Chapter is very proud of. Pronouncing the name correctly is sacrosanct – for those that don’t know it is pronounced “Candles-hoe” not “Candle-shoe”.”
There were representatives from many Rose Croix Chapters in the District and a wonderful evening was enjoyed by all.