Video inquisitor Chris Watkins has put the $64,000 dollar question to PGM Dave Wheeler: Which Lincolnshire Lodge is home to the best ritualists…?
Dave was candid in his answer – but you’ll have to tune in to our YouTube channel to discover what he said. The question, and his response, is one of a series of new videos soon to be added to our online Channel, covering a range of topics.
We start with a conversation involving Dave, Chris, and Fiona from the Samaritans about our £30,000 donation to upgrade their phone system ahead of copper cable technology being withdrawn. £30,000 might seem like a lot, but it comes down to mere pennies per call when you consider that more than 37,000 calls are made to Lincolnshire Samaritans every year. Each one of those calls could save a life – and remember that the equipment and training we’ve funded will be available for years and years of potentially-life saving calls.
Other topics include:
How is Lincolnshire Freemasonry doing in response to the Pro Grand Master’s Strategy for Freemasonry: 2022 and Beyond?
What does a potential new Freemason need to know? Here’s an answer you can offer, direct from the man who knows as well as anyone.
To watch any of the clips already on the channel simply click this link, which will take you directly to our slot YouTube. Keep coming back to check in about the new programmes. If they’re not there yet, it won’t be long!