Bookings are now open for the Quarterly Communications meeting at Freemasons Hall on December 11th, which are being co-ordinated by Stuart Butler.
The meeting normally starts at 12 noon, lasts for about one hour, and is followed by a meal in the Grand Connaught Rooms. This consists of pre-meal drinks and a three-course meal with drinks on the table. The meal should be finished by about 3.30pm. Cost is £60
Booking in details
Brethren who have attained the rank of Junior Warden and above should receive an invitation by email from the Grand Secretary allowing them to book in for the meeting and the meal. This email is expected about three weeks before the meeting. If an email is not received, please contact Stuart Butler (details below), who will contact Grand Lodge.
Master Masons wishing to attend will need to book in before 23rd November 2024 using a dedicated Lincolnshire email address at, including the following information:
Payment with menu choices, see below, must be made with booking to the following:
Stuart Butler; 09-01-29; 65725463
Stuart will then forward this information to the secretariat at Grand Lodge, who will confirm bookings direct via email.
This email will include details of where to go to register on arrival at Grand Lodge. This is normally Temple 10 on the second floor, which is accessible via the lift in the main entrance to Grand Lodge. You will be greeted by two scrutineers who will give you instructions on where to sit, which is normally on the balcony.
Dress code:
Stuart Butler 07868 196171