Welland Lodge Freemasons have given £500 to South Holland charity Little miracles, with the funds being handed over by Lodge Master Jonathan Tole and Mick Lowe. […]
Freemasons from Louth-based Lindsey Lodge and Daylight Lodge have together given £1,000 to Natureland Seal Sanctuary in Skegness in memory of the late Gary Castledine, who […]
Stamford & Bourne District Scout Council, the management tier of all Scout Groups across the District, have been presented with a donation of £500 by Sleaford-based […]
A £500 donation from Freemasons of Grantham’s Sir Isaac Newton Lodge will help St John’s Church in the town’s Spitalgate provide a warm space where parishioners […]
Andy’s Man Club and the charity CARE have shared on £450 donated by the Freemasons of Grimsby-based Wellow Abbey Lodge. £250 was given to Andy’s Man […]
When five girls were torpedoed in the Atlantic, little did they know that their ‘adventure’ would help to raise money for Lincolnshire Freemasons five-year fundraising campaign […]