The PSA testing arrangements on the day of this year’s Provincial Grand Lodge and Chapter meetings have saved at least one life, and were so successful that not only will they be repeated next year, but the charity we worked with will use the same model for other Provinces around the country.
The testing saw more than 18o members provide blood samples, with at least one symptomless volunteer discovering a need for urgent treatment, and several more warranting further investigation.
PGM Dave Wheeler said the reaction of the charity which had done the testing had been extremely positive, with praise for the efficient way it had been set up. He said: “Bruce Goodman made the arrangements with the Chaps charity, and the whole event ran very smoothly. Testing is very quick. One guest at the PGL meeting ate his lunchtime starter, went for his test, and was back in his seat in time for his main course. It really takes just a moment.
“And as well as those who were advised that they needed further medical investigation, more than 30 were told that their PSA levels were so low that they would never need to be tested again, and that they were ‘in the clear’,” he added.
Arrangements for next year’s testing, once again funded by the Province from the ‘Old Fund’ have yet to be finalised, but it’s likely that the age boundary for those being offered a test will be lowered. Full details about the testing, and how to book, will be published in due course. Dave added testing wasn’t restricted to those attending the Provincial Grand Lodge or Grand Chapter meetings, and that any member who wanted a test could make an appointment and be included.